Monday, June 11, 2007

personal updates...

i haven't really updated anyone on my personal i thought i would take a moment....

my brother is having a i'm gonna be an aunt. i can't wait for that, but it was a little annoying hearing my mother say "thank god it's not you!! after all, he's more settled..."

meaning he has a significant other she approves of (sorry storm)....i have a career and my brother has a job...and that's about it...we both have our own places, cats (i have a turtle and a cat), a car, a cell phone, cable in our own names, blah, blah, blah...

my brother wasn't planning on having any children...he's bipolar & i think that's one of the, he always said he didn't like kids....but once he met up with the love of his life (i say that sincerely), everything changed...i think he proves that you can change men, but only if you are the right woman.

i think they are in for a rude awakening...his fiance said she had to postpone her trip to india until next year...and she can't wait to have the baby so she can have a drink...she has yet to give up smoking all together...a doctor told her to cut back and she has, but it's the quitting part that hasn't happened yet...

they have a massive house, but all the rooms are rented out...and i keep thinking, doesn't the baby get his/her own room??? granted, i don't have experience, but i think babies take up space...and money, and time...

ah well, they are happy and i'm happy for them...i hope she's going to be a good mother to my neice/nephew, so far i'm more impressed with my brother...although, his work is pretty much already done as far as growing the baby.

and since i've yet to be pregnant, maybe i should stop judging. but i am a teacher, which i think gives me a red carpet for judging parenting skills, but they are family....which should give me even more right to judge...

overall, i'm gonna be an auntie....and as much as i want to be one of those cool aunts my neice/nephew can come to for everything, i'm still a teacher and so i think the kid is screwed in some aspects...

if it's a girl, i already have my "should you have sex" speech already prepared: you should wait, it's not going to be any good for awhile anyways...(think about it, teen sex....would you go back??) wait until the guy knows what he's doing...

if it's a boy: wrap it, wrap it, wrap it....i can't stop you....


GrooveTheory said...

I miss how you write like this. It's very refreshing, very personal, it's almost like you're speaking right next to me. I still see Miss Macy :) LOL

Anyway, I'm an uncle too, and it's a great feeling. I spoil my niece rotten. But I don't think I can do the "sex" speech. I think I'll just be the over protective uncle. HAHA! Can u imagine me??

wind walker said...

groove - i can see you as a great uncle!!!

i'm trying to be myself again and there will be some kinky posts (i hope) but there will also be some regular reflective posts...the theme of this blog is me...and in all my glory, ups and downs, sex and dry spells, craziness and not so crazy....but i'm glad you liked it!!

Paul said...

Wind, I love being an uncle, all my nieces are adult, now I have a nice crop of greats coming along.
Warm hugs,

Anonymous said...

Congrats on becoming an Auntie. That's so exciting! I have yet to become one...I've been really bugging my sister lately to settle down and have a baby so I can be an Aunt. :)
padme amidala

Mina Lamieux said...

*sigh* moms are so good at pointing out the obvious and scratching the same surface over and over. I'm excited for you. You are going to be a great aunt!

storm rider said...

Is bi-polar meaning you can love both the south AND the north pole???

wind walker said...

paul - i can't wait!! i'm glad to hear it's gonna be as good as i hoped.

padme - thank you! i never thought i would be one, so this was a pleasant surprise!!

mina - my mom is amazing when it comes to sticking's a gift really. thank you!

storm - it means that you feel only two extremes and nothing in the either he feels really depressed or really great. it runs in the grandfather killed himself by drinking some drano.

wind walker said...

oops! i mean great-grandfather.