Thursday, May 31, 2007

keeping a straight face.....

i love being a teacher, i really do.....but there are times when it's really hard to check my adult self at the door...

i love music....i love all sorts of music, especially favorite is strings...and i play classical music in the class to help maintain a very calm vibe....

i really don't think about all the years of practice it took for those players to sound so beautiful...

until i had to sit there and listen to a bunch of 4th and 5th graders butcher the "jurassic park" theme...i'm really glad they told us what it was...otherwise, i'd be thinking "it kinda sounds like this...."

and i mean those kids worked so hard....but the squeaks...and noises that came out...some of them were great...and some of them...well, have you heard an out of tune saxophone keeping playing? that boy wasn't stopping for anything....

bless their hearts...and some of them having only been doing this for only nine months....but i was really unprepared for such an event.....

oh god!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


without giving anything away, i have to admit i'm slightly disappointed in pirates of the carribean!!!

not because it was a bad movie, it was great. the actors were fabulous...orlando bloom, oh so hot....

some critics have said it was confusing...i had no problem following the story...

and i was into the story....even for a two hour and forty-five minute movie, i was soaking it up like a sponge.

but the end of the movie.....ARGH!!!!!!

there will be no spoilers on this site......but if you watched the movie, tell me what you thought....

Friday, May 25, 2007

a contented sigh....

isn't it funny....but when i checked my comments i noticed the misspelled swearing comment on my blog and realized...

that's one of the things i missed the most....storm's comments.

how i've missed that....

i hope everyone has a good weekend!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


so i just got off the phone with a friend of mine who randomly called me.

and everytime i fall for it...

when will i learn that the only time she contacts me is when she wants tips on how she should be cheating on her husband.

today's topic: how to get around wearing the condom.

my response: when in doubt, wear one.

i guess he told her that he is clean because he gets checked once a, i ask you, who gets std & aids checked once a month if they weren't worried about it? or their lifesyle warrants that (i'm thinking porn stars & hookers) i suggested: wear it.

now i'm not the most innocent gal, and i have been with a few married men in my time, but i'm actually against cheating....people who cheat are not in happy marriages and there is really no excuse not to leave your spouse if you are that unhappy.

happy people don't cheat. and of course, i'm leaving poly couple out of that statement because that is something entirely different.

so my friend wants me to support her "new" lifestyle which includes cheating....but as a true friend, i want her to be happy....and if she's not happy with her husband, then i think she needs to leave....

she does have a baby and security living in a really nice house, but what happens if she gets caught? she's already risking that....

maybe she wants that, i dunno.

i just have no idea why i'm the "go to girl" for that......maybe it's becuase i don't want to get married that she thinks i think life is a free for all....and it is, under the right conditions.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

an update...

okay, template is in order....working on connecting with the here's the update.

this is my blog, storm and i are still together (and he's still storm) however, he had major surgery and is recovering while we are still strong, certain lifestyle elements had to take a back seat.

i have a new career, a new apartment, a new kitty, and a new interest: belly dancing.

i do miss the days where i felt like i knew what i was doing and everything's not so new, but ah well....

i miss storm terribly and as soon as he's feeling better, i'm sure you'll see him around.

a return to a happier place

this is my first post here.....i'm not sure what to say....i'm going to play with my design more. i doubt i'll have any readers until i connect with old friends..

i was posting on livejournal, but found myself in a rut. this is my place to just be themes, just good ol' wind walker