Thursday, May 31, 2007

keeping a straight face.....

i love being a teacher, i really do.....but there are times when it's really hard to check my adult self at the door...

i love music....i love all sorts of music, especially favorite is strings...and i play classical music in the class to help maintain a very calm vibe....

i really don't think about all the years of practice it took for those players to sound so beautiful...

until i had to sit there and listen to a bunch of 4th and 5th graders butcher the "jurassic park" theme...i'm really glad they told us what it was...otherwise, i'd be thinking "it kinda sounds like this...."

and i mean those kids worked so hard....but the squeaks...and noises that came out...some of them were great...and some of them...well, have you heard an out of tune saxophone keeping playing? that boy wasn't stopping for anything....

bless their hearts...and some of them having only been doing this for only nine months....but i was really unprepared for such an event.....

oh god!!


storm rider said...

In 7th grade I played a saxophonoe, or maybe that was a sexaphone. Anyway, I played a alto and two friends of mine played tenor, and we used to play MOTOWN tunes! To us we sounded grate, but I remember a teacher comming in and the look on his face, reminds me of your description!
I thought it sounded great!
(then again I had fucked something other than my hand for the first time and I thought I new EVERYTHING!) LOL

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see Wind Walker again. I don't really blog anymore, I only check in once every other month or so, but I have definitely missed you!

Hope all is well with you too.