Tuesday, November 6, 2007

what a bitch!!

and by that, i mean me!!

i was in a bitchy mood today....not grouchy...but things kept happening that kept pissing me off.

i was uninformed that it was "ask questions we should already know the answers to" day with my kids. by the end of the day, i was dying!! interuptions, tattling, galore!!!

and then i went to this class where we had a bunch of parts to the final project. but they kept giving us only ten minutes to start each part, then we were expected to stop and finish that part later and move on. and i hate working that way....if i have five things to do, i want to finish one and then move on....it seemed like an a.d.d. class and it began to drive me crazy.

i probably wouldn't have been so grouchy if i didn't have hours of work for me to do today...a major report is due this week and conferences start next week. so i'm swamped...the last thing i want to worry about is this class. so i think that had a lot to do with it.

i can't wait for the thanksgiving holiday.....i so need a vacation...maybe i'll get myself a massage.....or use my gift certificate for a pedicure....only i hate people touching my feet, so maybe that won't be very relaxing....it really tickles me...

ah well....such is life. hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Mina Lamieux said...

Oh my! You are a busy bee! I hope the holidays come quickly for you!

GrooveTheory said...

haha! join the club. we all need some day to ourselves, and honestly, I would go with that massage and that gift. you need it.