Thursday, July 5, 2007

i decorated my wrist with poop!!

yeah, the bottle said "henna paste", but i have some serious doubts.

by the time i finally got the paste to come out of the tube, the end exploded and left a blob of "poop" that was supposed to be a pretty design.

lucky for me, i washed it off before it could stain...after all....i don't want to be left looking like i don't wash my wrists....

that's just yucky!!!


Henna Muse said...

Ah, did you have a cone? They are much easier to manage than the bottles or toothpaste-looking tubes.

Don't give up, no worries!! It just takes a little practice.

Mina Lamieux said...

*giggle* I would love to see the final results when it does work out for you. :)